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 Relationship Breakdown

While relationships break down for many different reasons, we see some problems cropping up time and again. These include:

GRIDLOCK She has one view of asituation, he has another and neither can get past that point.

LOSS OF INTIMACY An initially loving couple finds that, as their relationship progresses, the gap between them widens until they suddenly find themselves feeling isolated from one another.

LACK OF COMMUNICATION He'll say she doesn't understand and she'll say he never listens. Attempts to communicate may be frustrated by children or the television or half- hearted listening.

STRESS Exterior factors such as a change at work, the birth of a baby, a relative coming to stay, a death in the family or illness can make it difficult for the couple to maintain a loving relationship.

BROKEN TRUST Infidelity or other betrayals weaken or destroy trust.

CONTROL One partner tries to exert control over the other.



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